Monday, January 2, 2012

Nought vs Aught

Now that we are a couple years into the second decade of the twenty-first century you may want some way to refer to the first decade of the twenty-first century in the same way that we now say 'the nineties' to refer to the decade between 1990 and 1999. I recently heard someone refer to this decade as 'the noughties' without being ironic or indicating that they were quoting someone else. I guess the theory behind this term is that 'nought' means nothing or zero and the years could be stated 00, 01, 02 and so on. However, I disagree with the term nought because of the massive amounts of confusion it would cause in verbal conversation. Nought's homophone 'naught' (which, yes, does mean more or less the same thing) would cause some confusion never mind the word 'not' or 'knot'. Then there's the fact that 'the noughties' is pronounced precisely the way you would pronounce 'the naughties' which sounds like some kind of sex act. This being said I am in favor of calling those years 'the Aughts' as it means essentially the same as nought and does not cause any confusion or bring to mind sex acts when you say it.


  1. Collected Pixel DustFebruary 13, 2012 at 4:08 PM

    Me thinks the person called last decade "the noughties" especially for it double entendre.
    People think of sex, like, almost every moment of our lives when we aren't forced to be preoccupied with something else on our minds and would like to conjure it up whenever possible.
    I think 'the zeroes' would keep in line with the numerals.

  2. The 'zeroes' would be confusing too, though. At least aught is not a word you hear in reference to many other things as you do with 'zeroes'.
