An example of this kind of stupidity would be the folks who leave long, angry, ranting, poorly-worded and badly-typed negative feedback for online sellers who sent them- exactly what they paid for. These people are not angry because they got what they paid for. They're angry that they didn't realize what they were paying for. They often try to blame the seller for their oversight by saying that the listing didn't say that the product was generic or that it didn't come with the controller. This is rarely the case.
Someone who sells online on a place like eBay or Amazon might make a little bit of money by deceiving someone once but they can make a lot more money in the long-term by being entirely honest. Which is not to say they might not hope you think you're getting the genuine article and therefore bid more for it but they don't expect you to. Therefore you can be fairly certain that if you read the product description it will say that what you're bidding on is generic or that it doesn't come in the original box or that it's scratched.
These angry stupid people nearly always try to blame the seller because they know, deep inside, that if it's not the seller's fault then they were deceived because of their stupidity but as they are not stupid this cannot possibly be the case. Another feature of stupid people is that they generally have no idea that they might not be particularly bright.
These people are the same people who might blame their bank if they lost their identity and someone used it to wrack up massive debt. Because obviously it wasn't their fault for falling for that phone scam. It must be the bank's fault for not adequately protecting their identity. It could not possibly be their own fault for giving out personal information over the phone as you are frequently warned not to do.
Despite the fact that I work in a place that sells severely over-priced gift items I have yet to have the pleasure of dealing with a stupid angry person attempting to make a gift return. I have heard some fun stories. In fact we had one person who came in a couple of weeks ago and was (in his own words) "just looking for something cheap for my girlfriend". He bought her some jewelry that has never been very popular and was thusly marked down. He returned the next morning before the store opened and yelled at my manager because they weren't open yet and he wanted to return the gifts that his girlfriend hadn't liked. He literally threw the items on the floor in disgust and stalked off to one of the other stores until they opened. When he came back he said he wanted to return the items and Dianne said she wouldn't take them without a receipt. He yelled and said to get the girl he had purchased them from the night previously. Obviously it wasn't possible for Dianne to get Jenn on the phone or in the store to confirm his identity (not that she would have wanted to) and told him that if he found the receipt he could come back later.
I really wanted to talk to this guy. I wanted to ask him how he could lose his receipt overnight and what the logic in buying his girlfriend something cheap was if she wouldn't like it for that very reason. Why not buy her something thoughtful instead? Or give her a gift card if he was so totally clueless about what would please her?
I honestly hope that someone else like him comes into the store when I'm there and starts yelling so I can explain to them that our return policy is clearly posted in several places around the store and that we, like most other stores, will not accept returns of items without the receipt. We can't give refunds on credit card purchases unless you have the card with you. We absolutely will not accept Webkinz
Of course, this would have to occur when there was a K&E guy at the mall because otherwise I suspect this might incite the stupid angry person into harming me in physically violent ways. I guess it's a lot to ask for; having a security guard on hand at the same time as an angry stupid person is trying to return something without a proof of purchase but I can always hope.
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