Monday, November 14, 2011

Reasons That You're Probably Insane

You're probably insane if you:

Ever talk to yourself outloud
Ever answer your own questions
Ever talk to your pets
Ever talk to inanimate objects
Compulsively check your e-mail
Compulsively check your Facebook
Blow off real-world activities in order to tend your farm in Farmville
Blow off real-world activities in order to play any flash game
Spend multiple hours each day playing any kind of game
Feel inexplicable joy when your cellphone goes off
Feel joy when other people are hurt
Fail to feel anything in response to tragedy
Feel joy in response to tragedy
Feel any other otherwise inappropriate emotion during any situation in which a normal person would feel one specific and obvious emotion
Take any kind of medication
Practice any kind of religion
Pray during scary, life-threatening, or stressful situations
Actively try to be unique
Obsessively try to fit in and be like everyone else
Obsess over the lives of celebrities
Frequently watch the news
Exercise on a regular basis
Drink sweat farmed from animals
Are a omnivore
Are a vegan or vegetarian
Are pro-life
Are pro-choice
Have ever lived on terra firma
Know how to read the english language
Think that I'm just using this list to play games with your head

1 comment:

  1. Well I already knew I was a bit insane but this list just confirms it.
