Sunday, August 22, 2010

Selling Things Online Means...

Dealing with angry stupid people.
Example: "The controller you sent me was not in the original packaging."
"I know. That's why it said "repackaged for shipping" in the condition description."

That it's okay to check your e-mail obsessively because you really could have gotten an important e-mail in the last minute informing you that someone bought something from you.

Trying not to blow a gasket when someone undercuts you by five cents or even a penny.

Having to explain to your boss at your "real" job why you go to the Post Office so often.

Being terrified about committing tax fraud if you don't report your earnings at the end of the year.

Trying to achieve a fine balance between pleasing the customer and strict return policies to keep from being ripped off by the customer.

Occasionally spending several minutes knocking my head against a wall.

Constantly looking around you for more opportunities to exploit.

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